Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Teachers are like Mirrors

I was surprised to watch the video more as a public service announcement opposed to what I imagined, some do gooder standing in front of a camera telling you why you are to blame for what education has become. I was really impressed by this very simplistic, yet incredibly accurate, video. I think that reading the text rather than listening to a speech really makes you reflect on the message presented. So, in turn I need to discuss this message. I agree completely with the presentation. I have seen many instances of how different upbringings foster towards different attitudes towards life. What the student's life is like at home no one will ever pinpoint exactly, or have the ability to change what goes on there. However, in the classrooms teachers can attempt to focus their students thoughts of themselves into more healthy views. I love the quote by Dr. Suess in that video because it instills a very powerful message of the importance of self-concept. The many aspects of one's self really does dictate the life ahead. If a child is continuously put down or ignored because he/she isn't the brightest of the students that is a stigma that will inhibit the effort put forth by the individual through the rest of their life. Depression today is becoming more and more of an issue and people can't find out why. This wouldn't be such a big problem if educators truly have compassion for their students successes and failures. Im not putting the cause of depression solely on educators, but I am stressing that they understand these young children are clay in their hands to be shaped however an educator puts forth the effort. Every day students will undergo new challenges in their lives constantly questioning self-worth and importance. No other group of people has the ability and obligation to foster this developmental time of life than educators. This is their chance to provide a loving environment for those who don't see one at home so take advantage of every second given.

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