Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Obviously as a physical educator there generally isn't a lack of space. This of course is with the exception of the instructor's office/storage area. The ability to hold a class of energy filled students in such a large area provides a great challenge. Especially in the age group of the middle schoolers I deal with this J-term. During this time period students begin to manipulate teachers and bend the rules to see how far they go. Needless to say the teacher literally has to have eyes in the back of their heads here. So how is space utilized effitiantly with physical education? Well to start class and gain all the attention it's essential to organize the class into simple yet structured groups they go to each day. At Bettendorf Middle School the students get into their squads. Once sitting in the squads announcements, attendance, and lesson instructions can be given for all to hear. After this step is over it is best to take advantage of the open space. Most games will use the entire space given allowing students more freedom for exploration. It is hard to monitor all of the students in such a large space but with the ability to maintain protocols to follow and keeping track of the usual suspects the task doesn't seem so overbearing. Sadly, these students aren't as fantastic as the teacher hopes and eventually with the large space a student or two will go missing at any given time, they might not even be noticed getting back to class ten minutes later. Another disadvantage of such an open area is the tendency to continue playing after the whistle. By being farther from the teacher it somehow makes students think they don't apply to these rules. Go figure. But with being in physical education having a large space is benefitial as well so the practice of a skill wouldn't be hindered by cramming everyone into a small classroom. For safety reasons it helps to have a lot more room when teaching floor hockey. Space also challenges the teacher to impliment a structured lesson because should something in the lesson flop, it is easy to change gears with all the students at one time. Space in physical education is a tricky object to work with for it can greatly help the lesson if used properly but it can also quickly render a teacher mad if underestimated.

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